Functional Lifestyle Medicine, Nutritional Counseling + Integrative Health Solutions forTotal Life Wellness

Welcome! Join me on a journey to take charge of your own health, heal the root causes that have stripped you of your vitality and empower your true self.


Functional Lifestyle Medicine, Nutritional Counseling + Integrative Health Solutions for Total Life Wellness

Welcome!Join me on a journey to take charge of your own health, heal the root causes that have stripped you of your vitality and empower your true self.


Your powerful decision to choose YOU begins now...

 If you’ve found yourself here, you have likely felt hopeless, lost and confused when it comes to food, health, nutrition, and what is happening to your body. If you're like many of the women I see in my practice you might be navigating hormonal disruptions, feeling a loss of attraction to your partner, struggling with weight gain, or feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. You may be exhausted all the time, no matter how much sleep you get, and despite countless visits to the doctor or hours of therapy, you still feel stuck in anxiety and worry. You are not alone, and there is a path to real, lasting change.

After more than a decade of practice as a clinical psychologist and nearly two decades of my own healing journey, the biggest takeaway I have learned is that you cannot look at any one area of a person's life in isolation...and yet this is so much of what the western medical model has taught us.

At my practice, we believe in a holistic approach to healing that addresses the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.The core principle of holistic health is the interconnectedness of these various aspects, recognizing that one's physical health is influenced by mental, emotional, and spiritual factors, and vice versa. We delve into the biochemistry of what is actually happening in your body, understanding how your physiology, nutrition, and exercise routines are supporting or interfering with your overall health. 

Through comprehensive medical assessments and personalized, hands-on support, we create a tailored plan that addresses your unique needs. Our approach is intervention-based, real-life transformations that restore your vitality and joy.

We may also explore the power of psychedelics and plant medicines, when appropriate, as tools for healing and transformation. By facilitating safe and ethical access, we help you use these powerful substances to support mindset shifts, expand creativity, and heal trauma.

Join me on this journey to be fully seen, heard, and supported. Together, we will unlock the vibrant, healthy, and empowered version of you that is ready to emerge. Let’s heal deeply, live fully, and reclaim your true self through a comprehensive, integrative approach that brings lasting change and complete wellness.


Hi. I'm Dr. Jenn. 

I am a Southern California-based Integrative and Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutritionist and Health Coach dedicated to helping women reclaim their vitality and joy through a holistic approach to health. My professional career began as a clinical psychologist, where I practiced for more than a decade. However, it was early on in my career that I realized the limitations of traditional talk therapy and that insight does not create change. I saw that true transformation required addressing the whole person—mind, body, and soul—rather than just focusing on symptoms.

My perspective on health profoundly shifted in 2015 when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. This experience opened my eyes to the shortcomings of the conventional medical model, which often fails to address root causes. I chose to step away from my practice as a psychologist because I wanted to be part of a system that truly heals. The turning point in my own life came during a health crisis in my early 40s. Despite being an accomplished professional with every tool in my toolbelt, I felt lost and disconnected. Hormonal imbalances and a dysregulated gut-microbiome left me feeling like my body was betraying me. No amount of breathwork or psychedelics could resolve the chaos within. This struggle led me to immerse myself in the world of clinical nutrition and integrative health, ultimately leading me down a path of returning to school and becoming an Integrative and Functional Medicine practitioner.

I now combine my expertise in psychology with a deep understanding of biochemistry, nutrition, and lifestyle medicine. My practice is dedicated to helping women who have lost their spark due to hormonal disruptions, stress, and lifestyle factors. Together, we create personalized, hands-on plans that address the root causes of their health issues, restoring balance and well-being from the inside out. I am here to support you in reclaiming your true self and living a life of joy, vitality, and purpose.


Working together



1:1 Soul Coaching + Business Strategy

Get the deepest level support and accountability to make big shifts happen by working with me one-on-one. When it comes to accessing your intuition, healing the inner wounds, and the process of making life a magical experience, there is no “one-size-fits-all approach”. By working together, you will receive clarity, guidance and support as you begin the deeply transformational path of stepping confidently into the next level version of yourself, creating a presence and sharing your unique gifts with the world.


Personalized Microdosing Mentorship

Learn how to effectively and intentionally microdose as you are guided through an experience tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re looking for support with anxiety, depression, guidance on tapering off your medication, or you’re desiring to optimize your health, wellness, personal growth and self discovery – this supportive container will be a catalyst for your journey. Come embark on a transformative journey that meets you where you are, and as you are.


Customized Microdosing & Ceremony Program

Experience the powerful and life-changing benefits of microdosing and high-dose psychedelic experiences through a comprehensive program that gives you tools and resources for meaningful change. With microdosing, you can prepare yourself for a ceremonial experience and integrate your learnings afterward, leading to profound transformation. With the right approach, by combining these two methods, you can receive optimal results and long-term desired changes in your life as this framework is a powerful catalyst for your personal transformation.

"The space that Dr. Jenn holds and provides is unlike any other space I’ve been in."

It’s warm, inviting, safe, and quite magical. She guides you to where you need to go for the transformation that you need to take and has this way of upholding you to take the steps yourself before you realize that you’re embracing it and taking the necessary steps. It’s as if she is truly the light lighting the path while you feel safe, peaceful and have courage to actually walk the path. I have learned through her that the work is truly a full embodiment and not just something you can do in your head. Through her breathwork sessions, I’ve gained more clarity, breakthrough and relief then in a lot of other coaching that I’ve experienced. The work I’ve been doing for so long has sunk into my cells which brings a whole other level of transformation. I’ve worked with many different coaches and you can tell that Dr. Jenn takes her craft very seriously, has truly embodied her own work and has a gift of reaching within you to pull out your beauty and greatness in the most loving way.