Southern California-based Integrative and Functional Nutritionist, former Clinical Psychologist, and the voice behind the Love Your Truth podcast. 

I'm dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and vitality through an integrative, functional + holistic approach that truly addresses the root causes of imbalance

Before I dive into sharing my story I would like to acknowledge and thank you for being here, and invite you to do the same. Whether or not we end up working together in any capacity, you've taken time out of your day and you found yourself here, reading my journey, in hopes that it might help you in yours. I don't take that lightly and I don't think you should either. I don't believe in coincidences. You being here reflects a part of you that knows you are meant to live a beautiful, joyous and abundant life. This life is a gift and it is meant to be experienced through all of its beauty. I know it might not always be easy to remember or believe that, especially when you're navigating a health crisis and feel like you've lost yourself...but that is why I am here. 


To show you that it is absolutely possible to reclaim your health so that you can feel vibrant in your body and re-energized in your life. My transition from being a clinical psychologist to focusing on Integrative and Functional Nutrition was driven by a need to address health not just at the surface, but holistically—mind, body, and spirit. This journey is about more than just managing symptoms; it's about understanding the root causes of health issues and fostering a profound connection with one’s own body. As you learn about my approach, I hope you feel inspired to embrace the immense possibilities that holistic health offers. It’s about empowering you to unlock your body’s innate wisdom and to step confidently into a life of wellness and true fulfillment.


I’m a former Clinical Psychologist turned Integrative + Functional Nutritionist

After more than a decade of practice in clinical psychology, I recognized the limitations of traditional talk therapy and the need for a more holistic approach to health. This realization, coupled with a health crisis, prompted me to return to school to pursue a Master's of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health. My goal was to embrace a method that addresses the complete spectrum of healing — integrating the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of well-being to support true transformation and lasting health. 

I blend science, experience, humor, mindset and spirituality for a unique and customized approach to nutrition counseling, functional medicine, and holistic health.

I work with clients individually, diving deep into your story, and aim to be as equally committed to your path as you are.

I am a student at heart. I am constantly learning from the leaders in the industry and stay up to date with the current research. Our understanding of food and the human body changes every day. Our practice should too.

My training and education, personal life experience navigating a health crisis, plus my research-backed holistic approach makes me a uniquely qualified partner in your health journey. If you’re looking for a nutritional, functional and spiritual approach to health, I invite you to consider working with me.

I inspire my clients to...

  • Embrace Real Food: Ditch your food dogmas and diet mentality. Discover the power of nourishing your body with real food that enhances your health and vitality.

  • Simplify Your Eating: Realize that eating doesn’t have to be confusing, overwhelming, or a struggle. Learn to make choices that feel good and right for your body.

  • Transform from Within: Understand that lasting change happens from the inside out. We have to change at the level of our identity.

  • Prioritize Yourself: Make yourself a priority in your own life. Recognize that your well-being is the foundation upon which all else builds.

  • Engage in Your Health Journey: Become an active participant in your own health. Take charge of your well-being with informed, conscious decisions every day.

  • Trust Your Healing Power: Believe in your innate capacity to heal. Know that you are deserving of true health and that your body possesses profound intrinsic wisdom to guide this process.


I’m the Creator & Co-Host of The Love Your Truth Podcast

Launched in 2018, Love Your Truth quickly made its mark by reaching the Top 10 on iTunes for self-help in its very first week. Over the years, the podcast has undergone several evolutions, including welcoming my husband as a co-host in 2023, enriching the dialogue and expanding our reach. At its core, Love Your Truth remains dedicated to supporting you in honoring the unique truth of your own journey.

We understand that there is no single right way to approach life's challenges and opportunities. Through thoughtful interviews and discussions with a diverse range of experts in nutrition, spirituality, wealth, and personal development, we provide insights and perspectives to help you forge your own path. Each episode is designed to empower you with knowledge and inspire you to integrate these insights into a well-rounded, fulfilling life.

Listen to the Podcast


My Story: From Surviving to Thriving

From the very beginning, my life was about survival. Growing up as an only child with young, addicted parents, I learned resilience amidst chaos. My father's suicide and my mother's struggles with addiction shaped a childhood marked by homelessness, poverty, and abuse. These harsh realities instilled in me a fierce determination to escape and succeed, setting me on a relentless path of achievement.

I followed what I thought was the script for success: I excelled academically, earning a doctorate in Psychology, built a thriving practice, and created what seemed like a perfect family life.

But beneath this facade of perfection, I was crumbling. Despite my professional expertise, I battled with a severe eating disorder, a crumbling marriage, and a deep sense of disconnection from my true self.

When my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2017, I was forced to confront the inadequacies of the traditional health paradigms I had long worked within. I realized that fixing symptoms wasn't enough—true healing required a holistic approach that integrated the mind, body, and spirit.

After my mom's passing, I found plant medicine and psychedelics as a way to support my healing and help me process the grief and trauma that I carried. This further confirmed the misalignment of the traditional talk therapy model and I chose to walk away from my clinical practice. 

My mission was clear: to embrace and promote a health practice that was as holistic as it was scientific, as compassionate as it was effective.


A Turning Point: My Own Health Crisis

After stepping away from my clinical psychology practice, I encountered a personal health crisis that became the catalyst for my ultimate transformation. Despite following the conventional paths laid out by Western medicine, doctors were unable to diagnose the root cause of my suffering. Over two years, I grappled with unexplained weight gain, debilitating anxiety, brain fog, and chronic fatigue. There were moments I feared that my low blood sugar would end my life prematurely, leaving my children without their mother.

This dire situation forced me to take my healing into my own hands. I meticulously researched and deconstructed much of what I had been taught about health and nutrition. Through this journey, I discovered the intricate details of metabolic pathways and how to truly optimize my health. This experience of reclaiming my life, shedding the excess weight, waking up refreshed, and eliminating food cravings further illuminated the limitations of traditional healthcare and the transformative power of functional medicine.

Driven by this life-altering experience, I decided to return to school to gain the formal education in Nutrition and Integrative Health that I needed to not only continue my healing journey but also to support others in navigating their own.

This isn’t just my profession—it’s my passion and mission to ensure no one feels as helpless about their health as I did during those critical years.

Today, as an Integrative and Functional Nutritionist, I blend the rigor of science with the insights of personal experience. My approach is not just about dietary adjustments but about fostering a deep connection with one’s body and its inherent wisdom.

My practice is rooted in the belief that everyone deserves to feel truly alive and well, supported by a tailored approach that respects their unique health journey.

Whether through the Love Your Truth podcast or one-on-one consultations, I am dedicated to supporting individuals in reclaiming their health and rediscovering their joy.

This journey isn’t just about what I teach—it’s about what I live. My own transformation from a silent sufferer to a vibrant advocate for holistic health underscores every interaction I have with my clients.

I see you. You’re not alone.

Together, we can step off the hamster wheel of transient remedies and step into a life of genuine wellness and profound fulfillment.

You are my people.

Let’s redefine health together. Let me guide you down the path of functional and integrative nutrition—a journey not just to better health, but to a better life.

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become." -Carl Jung

I'm all about

Embracing the sweetness of my inner child who loves rainbows and glitter. Dance parties with the ones I love. Losing myself in a book. And spending obnoxious amounts of time in the quiet moments of stillness.

I'm not about

Being told what to do, especially if it doesn't make sense, my intuition knows best. Loud noises or anything that rattles my nervous system and disrupts my peace.



You recognize your own power and can envision what's possible for your health, but need some guidance to fully unlock it. You're ready to take proactive steps towards holistic well-being but aren't quite sure where to begin.


You've feel like you've tried everything and the doctors keep telling you everything looks "normal", but you know your body and know there's a crucial piece still missing. Perhaps you've improved certain aspects of your health or lifestyle, but you still don't feel fully vibrant or completely well.


You are open-minded and committed to the journey of health reclamation. You understand that true transformation in health is a process—one that requires time, patience, and dedication to the unfolding path of body wisdom.


You are seeking a partner, not a savior, in your health journey. You believe in your own capacity for healing and are looking for expert guidance and support to enhance your efforts. You appreciate a nudge here and there to stay aligned with your goals and to make informed choices that support your long-term well-being.


Here's how I can help

My mission is to guide you in reclaiming your health and rediscovering joy through a personalized approach that respects the unique needs of your body and spirit. I am here to support you in reclaiming your true self and living a life of joy, vitality, and purpose.