The most detailed and comprehensive approach to your health and well-being. Using functional lab testing to save money and time, we get to the root cause of your health concerns and create a customized program to reach your optimal level of health and confidence.


I offer individual functional medicine nutrition consultations with access to functional lab testing & analysis.

Stop throwing things against a wall to see what sticks. Get the testing and support you need to find the answers you’ve been after. Take the overwhelm out of your health journey.

We all know we should prioritize our health.

But we’ve also bought into a lie that putting ourselves on our priority list is somehow “selfish”. We feel guilty about spending time on ourselves, we feel guilty about spending money on ourselves, and we know we should be doing more, but WHO HAS THE TIME?!

So our health goes on the back burner, and we put off taking that deep dive into our health that we KNOW we really need.

Sound familiar? If so, you’re not alone. Many of my 1:1 clients have felt this way.

What I wish everyone understood (and what people understand after they work with me) is that the ROI on YOU is high. When you invest in yourself & your health, you become a better friend, a better partner, a better parent. You have more creativity, more tenacity, more joy.

Because when your body feels good and functions optimally, it amplifies everything else you want to do.


And this is why so many of my clients say that working together is worth every penny!

Sadly, we also know what it’s like to invest money and NOT see results. I’ve experienced that firsthand AND that’s how many of my clients come to me.

Many of my clients have worked with other nutritionists, practitioners, or functional providers who..

…put them on a standard protocol without spending the time getting to know them

…made cookie-cutter nutrition recommendations without considering individual needs

…started them on a BUNCH of supplements without any data to back it up

…never explained WHY they were taking those supplements

…ran a ton of labs, but never went over any of the data

…never made any recommendations for nutrition or lifestyle and only addressed their issues with supplements or medications

I do things a little differently… and it’s why I can help my clients get such phenomenal results.

Being a “functional provider” is more than just ordering “functional labs.”

While I leverage labs as a helpful tool, I also believe in a whole-human approach, where I see the human BEHIND the lab data.

I treat the PERSON, not the LAB.


Functional lab testing helps us to assess your root causes

The labs recommended depend heavily on your symptoms, your health history, your finances, and our conversation during your initial appointment. This is why we start with an extensive health history intake.

I believe that the best practitioner is not the one who can order the most labs, but the one who can use the most discernment with which labs to order.

I DO NOT upcharge our labs, but instead pass on my practitioner cost directly to you.

It's important to me that you Understand the results

Transparency is one of my core values. I will walk you through every lab analysis and let you ask as many questions as you need to have a deep understanding of what the data means and how we’re organizing it into action steps.

I invite you to record the sessions so you can revisit the information as many times as you need.

What is Your Commitment

The truth is: this journey requires a high level of personal commitment from you. Commitment to new ways of being. Commitment to changing, not just your diet, but your mindset, your belief systems and your relationship to yourself.

We meet 2x per month for 4 months as an initial protocol. Many clients find this is a good amount of time to build the foundation and see the changes they desire to propel them forward towards more long-term goals.

Other clients choose to stay working together longer for the added support and accountability.

When You Sign Up to Work Together 1:1...

You can stop spending your life trying to troubleshoot all your symptoms on your own & finally get answers with the appropriate tools and data.

You have an experienced co-pilot on your health journey and don’t feel like you have to go about this alone.

You are committing to a system that has helped hundreds of others reclaim their health, their energy – and their lives.

You give yourself the time, space & the appropriate support to see the change in your physical body.


If you’re looking for functional lab testing to finally get to the bottom of your health issues, plus 1:1 guidance from a highly experienced practitioner, I am here to support you.

My 1:1 membership is a great fit for highly motivated individuals looking to do a deep dive on their health.

What's Included:

Personal attention and guidance, functional lab testing at cost, and individualized protocols.

  • Extensive health history intake & health assessment

  • Dietary review

  • Lab test recommendations & analysis

  • 2 Monthly private video consults

  • Checkins through HIPAA-compliant patient portal

  • Customized Protocol: comprehensive and personalized written action plan with diet, lifestyle and supplement recommendations to guide you forward on your path

  • Access to functional labs tests for additional cost

  • Full transparency: you have access to all labs, data & results

  • Lab interpretation videos for you to keep

"Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." -Hippocrates


Here is what you can expect when we work together:


Before We Meet

After enrolling in the mentorship, you can schedule your initial appointment. Before we meet together, you will fill out an extensive Health & Diet Intake for review. I will spend an average of 60-90 minutes reviewing your health history to prepare for our first meeting together.


Consider this our research phase! Together we do a deep dive into your back story and review the comprehensive intake forms, review past lab and treatment information, and determine which lab tests are necessary to get to the root cause of your health concerns. We also discuss your current dietary habits, health struggles, emotional blocks to food and healing, and your goals. Expect lots of questions! The first session is mostly intake—I will learn about your background to provide context for first action steps and future recommendations

After each session, you will receive a comprehensive and personalized email detailing specific dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations, with clickable links to recommended resources.


We review lab results together piece by piece. I want you to fully understand lab results and what they are telling us about your health so you can be an active participant in your treatment protocol. 

I want you to to have a clear understanding of WHY we’re doing what we’re doing.

We discuss your customized plan. This plan is extremely tailored to YOU. You will receive recommendations for diet, lifestyle, exercise, supplements, as well as recipes and nutrition education catered to your specific needs and lab findings. You will also receive an estimated timeline for treatment.

And Beyond

My goal is to get you the answers and healing support you need in the shortest time possible. Having said that, we can’t rush healing. Believe me...we’ve all tried to do all the things all at once. It never ends well. The body just doesn’t work that way. 

Your therapeutic protocol is often layered and sequential. This is why labs are so important—they direct the course and pace of treatment. So I don’t waste time (and money) playing guessing games.

I continue to evaluate symptom resolution, goal progress and protocol efficacy. In other words, I continuously check in and assess: is what we’re doing working? This allows us to course correct until we hit the target. 

The Investment: $4800 for the initial 4 month protocol


Before Applying, please understand who this work is not a good fit for... 



My private practice is centered around functional medicine nutrition and root cause resolution. An ideal candidate for this 1:1 work is someone who already has a good handle on a whole foods diet. If you’re looking to focus solely on food and diet, I have wonderful recommendations for you, just reach out. The 1:1 membership is for those who are looking to dig in deeper to get to the root of symptoms via intake forms, conversation, and functional testing.


Root cause resolution and true healing often require change (because if you do what you always did, you get what you always got). This might mean adjusting diet, lifestyle, movement, sleep, relationships, and/or belief patterns in order to support your health. The most successful clients are those who are self-motivated, committed, and willing to take steps toward healing. As invested as I am in your case, I can’t do the work for you!


Chances are, you’ve already spent a lot of time, money and effort Googling, trying things on your own or meeting with other practitioners. You’re probably tired of throwing things against a wall to see what sticks. You’re working with me to help pull things together, do the detective work, uncover things that may have been overlooked, and fill in the missing puzzle pieces. Unfortunately, I can’t do my job without having the data from functional lab testing. These tests end up saving money in the long run—they can direct the course and pace of treatment so we don’t waste time (and money) playing guessing games.

Initial lab fees range from $400-$1200. Protocol supplements can cost $50-$200 per month. Total cost and time depends on severity and duration of symptoms and health issues, as well as client compliance.


Apply Now to Work With Me

A journey towards optimal health is a deep commitment to yourself. I work closely with a select group of clients, limiting my practice to just a few women at a time to ensure that each receives the focused attention and tailored care they deserve. This intimate setting allows us to deeply explore the facets of functional nutrition and holistic health, creating lasting changes not just in your diet, but in every aspect of your life.

I am committed to those who are ready for true transformation—women who are prepared to invest in their health, challenge their existing beliefs, and embrace a new way of living that is vibrant, informed, and intentional. If you’re ready to step into this sacred space and work towards becoming your highest self with dedicated support, I invite you to apply.


Common Questions About Functional Medicine Nutrition and Wellness Coaching